on mo, tu, we, th from 9:00 to 16:00 |
1 800 ₽/hour
on mo, tu, we, th from 16:00 to 00:00 |
3 500 ₽/hour
on tu, we, th, fr from 0:00 to 09:00 |
3 500 ₽/hour
on fr, sa, su from 9:00 to 16:00 |
3 000 ₽/hour
on fr, su from 16:00 to 00:00 |
5 200 ₽/hour
on mo, sa from 0:00 to 16:00 |
5 200 ₽/hour
on sa from 16:00 to 00:00 |
5 600 ₽/hour
on su from 0:00 to 09:00 |
5 600 ₽/hour
from 02 Gennaio to 08 Gennaio from 9:00 to 16:00 |
2 600 ₽/hour
from 02 Gennaio to 08 Gennaio from 16:00 to 00:00 |
4 700 ₽/hour
all other times |
1 000 ₽/hour
Доп администрирование. Valid for 10 and more guests. |
2000 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 40 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 50 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 60 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 70 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 20 and more guests. |
500 ₽
"допадминистрирование". Valid for 80 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Уборка. Valid for 1 and more guests. |
1000 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 90 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 100 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 110 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 120 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 130 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 140 and more guests. |
500 ₽
Доп администрирование. Valid for 150 and more guests. |
500 ₽
surcharge. Valid for 59 and more guests. |
10000 ₽
surcharge. Valid for 89 and more guests. |
10000 ₽