of your event
on fr from 17:00 to 00:00 |
3 900 ₽
on sa from 0:00 to 09:00 |
3 900 ₽
on sa from 9:00 to 17:00 |
5 200 ₽
on sa from 17:00 to 00:00 |
5 200 ₽
on su from 0:00 to 09:00 |
5 200 ₽
on su from 9:00 to 00:00 |
3 200 ₽
on mo from 0:00 to 09:00 |
3 200 ₽
all other times |
1 900 ₽
Дополнительная уборка после мероприятия. Valid for 31 and more guests. |
2000 ₽
Дополнительная уборка после мероприятия. Valid for 51 and more guests. |
2000 ₽
Уборка после мероприятия". Valid for 2 and more guests. |
2000 ₽
Minimum order
on fr from 17:00 to 00:00 |
25 400 ₽
on sa from 0:00 to 09:00 |
25 400 ₽
on sa from 17:00 to 00:00 |
33 200 ₽
on su from 0:00 to 09:00 |
33 200 ₽
San Pietroburgo
, Ploshchad` Lenina
minuti a piedi)