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Rent Учебный центр ФинКонт

Санкт-Петербург, м. Звенигородская(5 minutes on foot), Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Социалистическая улица, 14
40 m2
30 guests

Venue specifications

Office building
40 m2
30 people
2.80 m
Parking more than 100 metres from building
Any ID (including student cards) According to agreed guest list
15 sockets
Water cooler
4 toilets
Smoking allowed outside

Not permitted at this venue

  • Make noise, listen to loud music, sing and shout
  • Use substances that can stain (water, paint, chemicals and others)
  • Consume food
  • Bring children aged 4–10
  • Bring children under 3

owner about venue
