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Rent Универсальная творческая студия

Москва, Переулок Сивцев Вражек, 21

This venue is no longer for rent Find one like this Contact support

35 m2
18 guests
Owner is an expert on activities

On-site equipment and services

Coffee break
Зерновой кофе либо кофе в капсулах + круассан либо булочка с ночинкой.
Зерновой кофе либо кофе в капсулах + круассан либо булочка с ночинкой.
1 000 
При бронировании на целый день - бесплатно.
При бронировании на целый день - бесплатно.
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

35 m2
18 people
2.70 m
Floor: Socle
Parking close to building
No documents required Call to administrator
Administrator present at all events
10 sockets
Water cooler
1 toilet
Smoking allowed outside

Not permitted at this venue

  • Make noise, listen to loud music, sing and shout
  • Make noise in the evening and at night

owner about venue

This venue is no longer for rent

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