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Rent Maremonti Arena


This venue is no longer for rent Find one like this Contact support

1000 m2
300 guests
Owner is an expert on activities

On-site equipment and services

Sound system
Концертный звук Meyer Sound + концертный свет + операторы (инженеры)
Концертный звук Meyer Sound + концертный свет + операторы (инженеры)
135 000,00 
Flip-chart paper
за штуку
за штуку
Smoke machine
5 000,00 
Extra speakers
От 10 000, зависит от мощности и задач, так же есть микшеры, микрофоны
От 10 000, зависит от мощности и задач, так же есть микшеры, микрофоны
10 000,00 
Coffee break
1 000,00 
Модульная, в концертном зале обычно стоит 72м2
Модульная, в концертном зале обычно стоит 72м2
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

1000 m2
300 people
Floor: Socle
Own parking
Any ID (including student cards) According to agreed guest list
Administrator present at all events
Water cooler
7 toilets,+43 туалета на первом этаже
You can smoke in a dedicated place

Not permitted at this venue

  • Use substances that can stain (water, paint, chemicals and others)

owner about venue

This venue is no longer for rent
