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Rent Мамонтов Лофт

Москва, Бережковская наб., 20, стр. 48, Москва

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200 m2
150 guests
Owner is an expert on activities

Venue specifications

200 m2
150 people
10.00 m
Floor: 2
Own parking
No documents required According to agreed guest list
Administrator present at all events
50 sockets
4 toilets
You can smoke in a dedicated place

Not permitted at this venue

  • Make noise, listen to loud music, sing and shout
  • Make noise in the evening and at night
  • Use substances that can stain (water, paint, chemicals and others)
  • Drink alcohol
  • Bring your own drinks (incl. alcohol)
  • Consume food
  • Bring your own food
  • Drink tea and coffee and eat biscuits

owner about venue

This venue is no longer for rent
