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Rent Кабинет с круглым столом

Москва, м. Таганская(3 minutes on foot), Москва, Большой Дровяной пер, д. 8, под. 1, эт. 3
20 m2
10 guests

On-site equipment and services

air conditioning
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

Office building
20 m2
10 people
3.50 m
Floor: 3
No documents required No approval needed
Administrator not present at events
Smoking allowed near the venue

Not permitted at this venue

  • Make noise, listen to loud music, sing and shout
  • Make noise in the evening and at night
  • Drink alcohol
  • Bring your own drinks (incl. alcohol)

owner about venue

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