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Rent GrowUp

Санкт-Петербург, Большой Сампсониевский проспект, 61

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100 m2
80 guests

On-site equipment and services

Connessione internet via cavo
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

Edificio per uffici
100 m2
80 persone
4.50 m
Floor: 2 (from 4)
Parcheggio vicino all'edificio
Вход без документов по звонку администратору
Amministratore presente a tutti gli eventi
2 toilets
Можно курить в выделенном месте

Not permitted at this venue

  • Usare sostanze che possono macchiare (acqua, vernice, prodotti chimici e altro)
  • Bere alcolici

owner about venue

This venue is no longer for rent
