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Rent Лофт Ключи Уютный лофт с яркими акцентами

Москва, м. Кутузовская(6 minuti on foot), ул. Поклонная д 3 стр 3

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179 m2
60 guests
Owner is an expert on activities

On-site equipment and services

Impianto audio
Является доп.услугой, взимается доп.плата
Является доп.услугой, взимается доп.плата
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

179 m2
60 persone
4.00 m
Floor: 1 (from 12)
Parcheggio privato disponibile
Вход без документов без согласования
L'amministratore può essere richiesto (vedi servizi aggiuntivi)
20 prese di corrente
Фильтрованная вода из крана
3 toilets
Si può fumare vicino al luogo

Not permitted at this venue

  • Usare sostanze che possono macchiare (acqua, vernice, prodotti chimici e altro)

owner about venue

This venue is no longer for rent
