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Rent Школа Креатива Мансарда в центре Москвы

Москва, м. Полянка(4 minuti on foot), Москва, улица Большая Ордынка, д. 38, под. 1, эт. 3

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85 m2
70 guests

On-site equipment and services

Вешалка до 1 шт.
Вешалка до 1 шт.
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

Edificio per uffici
85 m2
70 persone
4.00 m
Floor: 3
Parcheggio vicino all'edificio
Вход без документов без согласования
Amministratore presente agli eventi ad "alto rischio"
2 prese di corrente
5 toilets
Si può fumare fuori

owner about venue

This venue is no longer for rent
